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Tax options to help keep business open

Open door

The Australian Tax Office (ATO) has issued a statement in recognition of these difficult times for business. The statement included a number of tax relief options to reduce stress and help keep SMEs open for business through projected downturn. Businesses who have no financial stress or concerns may be able to continue to meet their tax…

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Market Update

Market update

Sharemarkets continue to fall on the back of growing concerns about the spread of the coronavirus. At times of heightened market volatility, it’s easy to fear how your superannuation and other investments might be affected, but it’s important to understand the nature of market movements before making any sudden decisions. Falls are normal, even without…

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Stimulus Relief


The Federal and State Government Stimulus Package is the most significant since war time. It totals to more than $189 billion across the forward estimates, representing 9.7 per cent of annual GDP. This article includes a top-line summary of support available for individuals, households and businesses. Our team of Accountants and Financial Planners are working…

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How to stay profitable in a consumer crisis


At the time of writing this, businesses face consumer nervousness. Consumer spending is an essential engine of the Australian economy. We need Australians to spend their money, and you need them to spend it with you. Pricing can be one strategy to entice consumer spending and therefore maintain profitability in difficult times. Before you slash…

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Managing your team and environment during a crisis

Light bulbs

Employers and employees are faced with more questions than there are answers when it comes to workplace arrangements in regards to coronavirus. We are supportive of the Government advice to prioritise the health and safety of Australians, and to keep the workforce ticking as best we can. Here are some guides from the NSW Business…

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Market and Business Update #5 – COVID-19 & NSW Stimulus Package

Parliament House Sydney Australia

Business to receive further support: Further to the $17.6 billion Federal Stimulus Package announced last week, the NSW Government announced this morning a second stimulus package that will apply to health and business industries. The NSW Government will inject $2.3 billion into healthcare, business and cleaning. $1.6 billion will go towards business, with the intention…

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Market and Business Update #4 – COVID-19 & Federal Stimulus Package

Yesterday, The Australian Federal Government announced a stimulus package for the economy. This has significant relevance to the small and medium business sector. There are six key measures valued at $17.6billion – 90% of which will be paid to business and individuals between 31 March and mid-April. These include: Wage subsidies for Apprentices and Trainees…

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Market Update #3 – General Advice


Market volatility continues.   Here’s what we know now. As it stands this morning, the market has declined a further 7.8%. Likely triggers: COVID-19 continues to spread across the world. The share market is responding to the threat of further spread, as well as government policy responses. The US Presidential candidacy is underway, with Election…

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Market Update #2 – Coronavirus and the impact on markets

People with face masks

In the past week or so, we’ve seen share markets fall on the back of growing concerns about the spread of the coronavirus. At times of heightened market volatility, it’s easy to fear how your superannuation and other investments might be affected, but it’s important to understand the nature of market movements before making any…

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Market Update #1 – Coronavirus

Market update

Further to our recent market update email, the uncertainty that surrounds the coronavirus has impacted equity markets over the last week. While we can’t know the true extent or timeframe of this market performance and business landscape, there are number of important facts to note. What we know: The issue is escalating. The number of…

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