Managing your team and environment during a crisis Posted on March 18, 2020

Employers and employees are faced with more questions than there are answers when it comes to workplace arrangements in regards to coronavirus.
We are supportive of the Government advice to prioritise the health and safety of Australians, and to keep the workforce ticking as best we can. Here are some guides from the NSW Business Chamber of Commerce and Australian Business Lawyers and Advisors about how to minimise illness and maximise productivity.
If you/your employee is feeling unwell and/or suspect contact with coronavirus…
The advice is to stay home and call the GP for medical direction. There is also a 24-hour Coronavirus Health Information Line to call: 1800 020 080. They should follow medical advice before returning to work.
If you/your employee needs to take leave…
Employees are entitled to personal/carer’s leave ifthey have contracted – or need to care for an immediate family member who has contracted – coronavirus.
This leave will not apply if they have travelled to high risk countries during the warning period, or been in contact with someone who has. The leave will now also be unavailable to anyone who has become infected as a result of travelling outside of Australia.
Managing isolation without a diagnosis…
If an employee is self-isolating as a precautionary measure but feels fit enough to work, where possible, they should be enabled to work from home. Support this process with a Working From Home Policy and adequate IT systems to protect your employee and your business. Engage the help of HR and IT professionals if you need it, and set-up a way of working that ensures maximum productivity.
Casual employees:
Casual employees are not entitled to personal/carer’s leave.
We advise you to use trusted Government websites to stay informed, to seek the support of legal professionals and to make thoughtful choices for the wellbeing of your team and your business in the long run. Regular communication is essential throughout this process.