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Scams! $174 million stolen from Australian businesses

Cyber crime is on the rise. Government agency, ReportCyber, reports that almost the same number of successful attacks have occurred between July and December 2020, as in the whole year to 30 June 2020. It is increasingly difficult to identify an attack. It is not your fault, nor is it a reflection of your intelligence,…

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Marketing that works

Business owners are required to be a jack-of-all-trades: finance officer, sales and customer service expert, R&D and supply manager, HR and technology specialist, not to forget the all-important marketer. Without consistent and quality marketing, potential customers just don’t know who you are or why they should buy. Here are some basic marketing principals and practical…

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AdviceCo $20,000 Community Grants Program

Community Grant

We have partnered with the Count Charitable Foundation (CCF) to launch a Community Grants Program in which charitable organisations are invited to apply for a $20,000 cash grant. AdviceCo and CCF will each contribute $10,000 to one charitable organisation before June 2021. Applications involve a brief 500-word proposal of what the applicant would do with…

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Insolvency Reform for Small Businesses in financial distress

The Federal Government has announced reforms to simplify the Voluntary Administration process in order to help financially distressed small businesses to efficiently restructure and survive the economic impact of COVID-19. The reforms will likely come into effect on 1 January 2021. Small businesses are historically most at risk of insolvency, with 80% of corporate insolvencies…

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New Income Tax cuts by 16 November

The Federal Government announced income tax cuts for working Australians in the 2020 Federal Budget. The cuts must be included in any pay runs processed from (no later than) 16 November 2020, giving millions of Australians a few extra dollars in their bank account each week. Employers need to make sure they’re passing it on.…

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Managing your own finances vs. having a Financial Coach

Here’s how you can weigh up what is right for you. You need to assess your skill set, your training and your appetite to continually develop your financial acumen. Consider home DIY as an analogy. If you’ve done it all your life, had a great teacher along the way, go to courses, seek industry information,…

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Pennies will drop – Improve your Business Financial Literacy

There’s a direct correlation between a business leadership team’s financial literacy, and business success. Those who can crunch the numbers with technical competency will more easily identify the business strengths and weaknesses that require decisions and actions. That being said, it is understandable that most business owners are experts in a different field – not…

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An Accountants guide to Footy Tipping

With the Football Grand Final upon us this weekend, our team has wrapped up our annual tipping competition. It turns out we have three types of tippers in the office: The typical Accountant – always tips the favourites. The die-hard Accountant – watches every game, goes for the upsets, has to support their team first…

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