Posts by Robson Partners
We’ve changed our name
We are thrilled to announce that – from today – we have changed our name and logo to AdviceCo.
Read MoreHave you future proofed your business?
On Wednesday 14 August, the Chairman of the Robson Partners Board, David Smith, visited the Gosford Erina Coastal Chamber of Commerce Luncheon to share his expertise in digital disruption to business. His insights inspired many to seek the opportunities for business growth and ultimately, work smarter, not harder. He has prepared this article in summary…
Read MoreProtecting you and your family
Insuring your car, home or other possessions makes sense. So why do so few of us insure ourselves? If illness or injury stopped you from working for an extended period, could you keep paying your bills? Personal risk insurance gives you peace of mind that if the unexpected occurs, you and your family will be provided for.
Read MoreAudit activity by the ATO set to intensify
A recent analysis by the Australian Tax Office (ATO) shows that the tax gap across various sectors of Australia’s economy accounts for a potential $50 billion.
Read MoreMarket Update: Volatile Response to Global Events
You may have heard some of the noise around yesterday’s market performance. Here is some information to explain how it happened and what it means for investment in Australia.
Read MoreImportant information about Single Touch Payroll (STP)
This is a special notification about Single Touch Payroll (STP) legislation that is taking effect on 1 July 2019. It is particularly relevant to employers, and may be of interest to employees.
Read MoreInvestment Fundamentals
If you’re just starting out as an investor, there’s a lot of information to absorb. This fact file defines and explores the pros and cons of each asset class, why certain asset classes are more appropriate for different types of investors and why no asset class consistently outperforms the others.
Read MoreSmall Business Forecasting
Many small businesses consider accounting to be a retrospective exercise. Good financial management however, is a forward-thinking commitment based on accurate data. It’s a dedication to forecasting.
Read MoreSpeaker at GEC Chamber Luncheon 14 August 2019: David Smith on Digital Disruption
Digital disruption is happening to all of us at this very moment. It doesn’t have a beginning, middle or an end. It is ongoing and the businesses and brands that embrace emerging digital technologies are innovating faster, impacting harder and growing market share.
Read MoreATO Hit List: Know what you can claim
In the most recent update from the ATO, corporate Australia had a $1.8 billion tax gap. Individuals represented a staggering $8.7 billion tax gap, with ‘work-related’ expenses to blame.
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