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Self-Managed Superannuation Seminar – New rules, new strategies. What do I do?

SMSF Seminar - New rules, new strategies. What do I do?

  Wednesday 30 October2024 5.30pm – 7.00pm AdviceCo. Offices – Albany Street North. Gosford Complimentary – valued at $189 per person     Wednesday 30 October 2024 5.30pm – 7.00pm AdviceCo. Offices – Albany Street North. Gosford Complimentary – valued at $189 per person   Register Now Name First Last Email* Phone*PhoneAdditional Attendee Additional Attendee…

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SMSF & Superannuation Changes in 2023

SMSF & Super Changes 2023

You may be aware of recent changes to that impose new obligations on SMSF Trustees that will need to be complied with by all Funds each quarter.

There are also extensive changes that have been proposed/flagged that will impact many SMSF’s, and what they are required to report to the ATO.

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6 tips for being better off in 2023

2023 is likely to bring further inflation, interest rate rises and higher cost of goods and services. Now is a good time to consider how to make your money stretch further so you can be better off in the areas that mean the most to you. 1. Run a spending audit Print your bank statements…

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Australians are the richest people in the world?!

Credit Swisse recently released a global wealth report that showed the median Australian adult had a net worth of $US273,900 at the end of 2021, making them financially better off than adults of any other country. This reflects a favourable share and property market position for Australians at the time of the report. It is…

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Taking control of superannuation as a wealth-building strategy


This month is an important one for superannuation funds as they go under the microscope once again for performance assessment. It’s got many members wondering how they can take control and start treating super not as a fall-back option, but as a driver for wealth. The government is reviewing default super funds for performance. You…

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How to grow your financial value in 2022


We love the swell of self-motivation and positivity that often comes with a new year. If managing your money in 2022 is one of your goals, you’ll be pleased to know is not very difficult to increase your value. Here are some simple steps to get ahead… Look back Log in to your online banking…

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Superannuation: changes and politics

superannuation 2022

With a Federal Election due to take place around March of this year, we can expect that superannuation will be a stormy topic between the two major parties. There are some important changes scheduled this year. Here’s what it means for you… Superannuation Guarantee The superannuation guarantee is legislated to increase to 10.5% from 1…

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Top habits of wealthy people you can adopt in 2022

It is true that wealth is mindset. Those who are focused on generating financial growth generally do, and fortunately their habits are easily accessible and applicable. Which ones will you try in 2022? Wealthy people can clearly see their future self. They can see the house they have, the holiday they go on, the people…

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