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6 tips for being better off in 2023

2023 is likely to bring further inflation, interest rate rises and higher cost of goods and services. Now is a good time to consider how to make your money stretch further so you can be better off in the areas that mean the most to you. 1. Run a spending audit Print your bank statements…

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How your age will influence the contents of your Financial Plan

While we firmly believe that there is no age cap on wealth, life stages inevitably impact a person’s financial position. There is a series of common financial milestones through an average lifespan, including positive wealth building opportunities, as well as some of the more unpleasant and expensive realities of life. We’ve mapped them out, and…

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How to grow your financial value in 2022


We love the swell of self-motivation and positivity that often comes with a new year. If managing your money in 2022 is one of your goals, you’ll be pleased to know is not very difficult to increase your value. Here are some simple steps to get ahead… Look back Log in to your online banking…

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Take control of your personal finances in 2021

Personal finances are a fragile thing at the best of times, but when the environment is as uncertain as it is now, it’s really important to take control of your finances before your finances take control of you. Here are some tips for a comfortable 2021… Know what you’re dealing with. List what’s coming in…

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