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Client in Focus: Project Works Design

This months client in focus is Central Coast Leading Architect, Graham Mann from Projects Works Design. Graham discusses development on the Central Coast and how he got started the business over 16 years ago and the challenges that he faced in the past and how the business grew to its current standing today.

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Tax audit insurance: “Iceberg, dead ahead!”

WOW! Did this topic get everyone excited last month! We had a lot of enquiry regarding tax audit insurance and what it covers.

In business, there is nothing more scary than “an iceberg in the dark” headed straight for you – and with the tax office stepping up it’s audit programme, it absolutely pays to be informed of your options and what you can do.

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Start with WHY? – How great leaders inspire action

Renowned author and business observer, Simon Sinek, shares his discovery of the common ingredient all great leaders have and how you can apply it in small business.

He has codified the reasons why good businesses sell WHAT they do, while exceptional businesses and people, sell WHY they do it.

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Client in Focus: Galley Kitchens

This month’s Client in Focus is family business, Galley Kitchens.

This month, Managing Directors and Paul and Liarne Ray talk about how they managed to grow the business during the financial crisis and remain a market leader in the region.

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