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Why everyone is in a tizz about jobs


The ‘Great Resignation’, or the ‘Great Talent Migration’ is predicted to hit Australian businesses in March of this year. Indeed, a recent study by PWC of 1800 Australian businesses revealed that 38% of employees planned to leave their employer in the next year. So how can you keep your great talent inhouse? Businesses big and…

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How your age will influence the contents of your Financial Plan

While we firmly believe that there is no age cap on wealth, life stages inevitably impact a person’s financial position. There is a series of common financial milestones through an average lifespan, including positive wealth building opportunities, as well as some of the more unpleasant and expensive realities of life. We’ve mapped them out, and…

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Business steps to keep people safe and doors open


When restrictions eased in October 2021, hopes were as high as the vaccination rates. We were ready to ‘learn to live with COVID’. Then Omicron ripped through families, communities and businesses, challenging safety, staff and supply. How can a small business owner compete with Omicron in order to protect staff and consumers, and continue to…

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Business owners talk: “we’re stressed by cashflow”

cash flow

A survey conducted by Business NSW of more than 2000 businesses has shown that business confidence is low, and almost half are in major cashflow stress. The businesses were from a variety of industries, and across both metropolitan and regional NSW. Caused by the rollercoaster of mandated and shadow lockdowns, a fluctuation of restrictions and…

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How to grow your financial value in 2022


We love the swell of self-motivation and positivity that often comes with a new year. If managing your money in 2022 is one of your goals, you’ll be pleased to know is not very difficult to increase your value. Here are some simple steps to get ahead… Look back Log in to your online banking…

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Superannuation: changes and politics

superannuation 2022

With a Federal Election due to take place around March of this year, we can expect that superannuation will be a stormy topic between the two major parties. There are some important changes scheduled this year. Here’s what it means for you… Superannuation Guarantee The superannuation guarantee is legislated to increase to 10.5% from 1…

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2022 Economic Pressure Points


At a recent economic breakfast hosted by Business NSW, we heard from some of Australia’s key economic analysists about what’s in store for jobs and the cost of living here on the Central Coast. Cost of living Tapas Strickland, Senior Economist for the National Australia Bank (NAB) predicts that the Reserve Bank will raise interest…

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Federal Government launches payment times register for small business

The Federal Government has launched a national payment times register to increase visibility and accountability of 6,000 big business invoicing methods and payment policies. The new online Payment Times Reports Register publishes information about the payment policies of businesses with a turnover of more than $100 million. It is designed to protect and empower small…

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Sign up to sell and buy local

As we head into the festive season, we’re reminded to consider shopping locally. The more we can support local business, the more jobs and wages growth will result. In an effort to encourage local spending, government and business groups have created local business registers for shoppers. Here’s where you can list your business, and/or search…

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Top habits of wealthy people you can adopt in 2022

It is true that wealth is mindset. Those who are focused on generating financial growth generally do, and fortunately their habits are easily accessible and applicable. Which ones will you try in 2022? Wealthy people can clearly see their future self. They can see the house they have, the holiday they go on, the people…

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