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Give us a ‘V’


‘V’ for vaccine and ‘V’-shaped economic recovery. The V-word has had a polarising and exhausting effect on the nation. No matter what your position, the health and economic implications are significant. In this article, we focus on the latter. The economic impact of a delayed rollout is an increased risk of spot lockdowns, and sustained…

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FBT – why all business owners need to report in May

Corporate gym membership - Fringe Benefit

Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) is often a grey area of tax for businesses, albeit quite black and white for the ATO. It is not an optional payment or reporting responsibility. All businesses with employees are required to review and report Fringe Benefits paid up to 31 March to the ATO by 15 May. It is…

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Bracing yourself for survival in the super wars


Super: there are more questions than answers. Will the Government scrap the legislated rise in superannuation from 9.5% to 12%? How much is enough? Are you in the right fund? Can you afford the increasing Life Insurance premiums from within your fund? It’s enough to want to adopt a mattress-stuffing savings strategy so that you…

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Post-JobKeeper Government Stimulus for SMEs

Small business loans

JobKeeper will end on 28 March. For those currently accessing JobKeeper, the Government has announced an extension to, and expansion of, its SME Loan Guarantee Scheme. The expansion will increase the possible loan amount from $1million to $5million, with banks set to guarantee 80% of the loan and repayment relief on both principal and interest…

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Should you book a flight?

Cheap flights

The government has announced a $1.2 billion injection into the tourism industry that will involve slashing consumer flight prices to certain locations around Australia. Take a holiday, spend your money – says the Federal Government. So…should you? It is very tempting. Between April and July, a 50 per cent discount on tickets will be offered…

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How business can stay profitable in a discount world

We live in a consumer savvy world, where consumers hunt down the best prices from the comfort of their lounge rooms, and anonymously review products and services with the click of a button. It’s no wonder price discounting is so common – businesses are competing to provide the best quality and value. It can be…

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It’s time to talk about…insurance

protect yourself

Premiums are rising at enormous rates. It can be tempting to stop paying them. But how vulnerable does that leave you and any dependents? Income insurance premiums are rising by more than 70% in the next month or so. It is unreal to think that one jump could be so high. The cause is pointed…

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COVID news: Jobkeeper, FBT & Working from Home

COVID business

COVID continues to bring change to the way we manage business. Here are the immediate changes you should be planning for now. JobKeeper phase 3 ends at the end of March – HECS-style loans being considered If you receive JobKeeper and the deadline makes you nervous, start planning now. Meet with your accountant to identify…

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Will the compulsory increase to super go ahead?

superannuation increase

At this stage, yes. But an announcement of a different kind would not be a surprise to the business community given recent economic pressures. The government has indicated that its priority is to create jobs and protect businesses. Superannuation contributions from employers are currently legislated to increase in small increments up to 12% in 2025.…

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