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Federal Budget Wrap 2023-24

Federal Budget Wrap 2023-24

Treasurer, Jim Chalmers, delivered the 2023-24 Federal Budget last night, where the Government has outlined a raft of measures which aim to strike a “considered, methodical balance” between fiscal restraint and supporting Australians through the current difficult times. The Government has announced a small surplus of $4.2 billion this financial year, the first in 15…

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ATO targets small business on late and upaid tax

Small businesses are one of the biggest contributors to the national tax debt, according to the ATO, and now they’re cracking down to recoup the $11.9 billion owed. Regular tax collection and penalties for late payment are ramping up from January 1, 2023. So what do you need to do to stay on the right…

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Federal Budget – the biz and finance wrap

By now, we’re all familiar with the political rhetoric around ‘tightening our belts’ to recover the $36.9 billion Federal Budget deficit and survive higher cost of living. The recently announced budget suggests that resource prices, taxes and low-unemployment are crucial to economic recovery. Read on to discovery how those budget themes will impact SME’s. A…

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Top pressures on business cash flow and how to get ahead of it

The top (although not only) pressures on cash flow for small businesses are overdue invoices, inventory bloating, professional development to address the skills shortage and business technology. Various institutions, including Xero, the Australian Tax Office and Treasury have made announcements that relate to these themes with the intention of relieving cash flow pressure. Read on…

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Income tax cuts are coming

tax cuts

Labor is sticking to its Stage 3 income tax cut plans. Here’s what it means for your income… The plan, which passed into law in 2019 with Labor’s support, will remove the bracket taxing 37 cents of each dollar of earnings between $120,001 and $180,000. The $180,000 top bracket limit will expand to $200,000. It…

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ATO crackdown on Family Trusts

Family Trust

In an effort to crack down on Family Trusts, the Australian Tax Office (ATO) released a draft ruling and accompanying guidance in February. The draft ruling suggests that they intend to target ‘reimbursement arrangements’, generally referred to as Section 100A. There is much detail trustees and beneficiaries need to get their heads around, but for…

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