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Income tax cuts are coming

tax cuts

Labor is sticking to its Stage 3 income tax cut plans. Here’s what it means for your income… The plan, which passed into law in 2019 with Labor’s support, will remove the bracket taxing 37 cents of each dollar of earnings between $120,001 and $180,000. The $180,000 top bracket limit will expand to $200,000. It…

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How SMEs can stay on top of business

business strategy

The last two years have taught us all that the world is increasingly unpredictable. Business owners and managers have less control than ever, but there are two simple things businesses can do NOW to prepare for the next unpredictable event, and ultimately stay on top. Risk management planning By definition, risk is something that poses…

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Future proof your business

When real life turns out to be stranger than fiction, business owners know that they need to be prepared for anything. Here are the top trends that will improve business agility and security no matter what the future holds… Automation is no longer a ‘nice-to-have’. Those who were automated ahead of COVID were in a…

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Federal Budget 2020 – What it means for you

Budget night is always full of opinion and commentary, sometimes it can be difficult to identify the facts. We’ve cut through the noise to highlight the items that we think will affect your hip pocket… Individuals: Income tax cuts                Low-and middle-income earners who earn below $180,000 will see a tax cut equaling between $500-$2,745…

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