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Federal Budget Wrap 2023-24

Federal Budget Wrap 2023-24

Treasurer, Jim Chalmers, delivered the 2023-24 Federal Budget last night, where the Government has outlined a raft of measures which aim to strike a “considered, methodical balance” between fiscal restraint and supporting Australians through the current difficult times. The Government has announced a small surplus of $4.2 billion this financial year, the first in 15…

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SMSF & Superannuation Changes in 2023

SMSF & Super Changes 2023

You may be aware of recent changes to that impose new obligations on SMSF Trustees that will need to be complied with by all Funds each quarter.

There are also extensive changes that have been proposed/flagged that will impact many SMSF’s, and what they are required to report to the ATO.

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Psychology of investing

Psychology of investing

It has been a tumultuous period in the stock market over the last couple of years, with many factors influencing markets, from COVID 19 and lockdowns, supply issues driving costs up, the Russia/Ukraine war affecting energy prices, and the flow on affect to the global economy.

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6 tips for being better off in 2023

2023 is likely to bring further inflation, interest rate rises and higher cost of goods and services. Now is a good time to consider how to make your money stretch further so you can be better off in the areas that mean the most to you. 1. Run a spending audit Print your bank statements…

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