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Business Growth in 2020’s

Business growth 2022/2023

Like many businesses, the last 3 years have been a steep learning curve to navigate. The disruptions from COVID lockdowns, staff shortages and interest rate hikes, it’s been almost too much to keep a business going let alone grow a business.

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Psychology of investing

Psychology of investing

It has been a tumultuous period in the stock market over the last couple of years, with many factors influencing markets, from COVID 19 and lockdowns, supply issues driving costs up, the Russia/Ukraine war affecting energy prices, and the flow on affect to the global economy.

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Here’s how Google Reviews can make or break your business

Here’s how Google Reviews can make or break your business What’s the first thing you do when seeking the services of a new business? Chances are you will look them up on Google. According to an Online Reviews Statistics and Trends report by ReviewTrackers, more than 60% of customers check Google reviews online before they…

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How to eliminate FBT on your company car

How to eliminate FBT on your company car? Are you sick of paying as much as $9,000 fringe benefits tax (FBT) on your company car each year? There is a solution. The Government is exempting FBT on all electric cars and plug in hybrids, purchased after 1st July 2022. The purchase price must be less…

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Can you achieve increased overall wellbeing by engaging a Financial Adviser?

Wellbeing is usually associated with eating well and getting enough rest; however good Financial Advice can also improve your overall wellbeing.  A great Financial Adviser can help free you from financial worries and stress and help you gain control over your financial situation.  This will often lead to more confidence, improved peace of mind and…

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Director IDs – late fines, extensions and registration bugs

Approximately 700,000 Australian Company Directors failed to meet the ATO deadline of 30 November to register for their Director ID number. Thankfully, the ATO has confirmed an extension until 14 December to get this done, or face a fine of up to $13,200. The mandatory system was introduced in 2021 to combat illegal phoenixing activity,…

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