Working from home Public Health Order repealed from 14 December Posted on December 8, 2020

As of 14 December, the Public Health Order instated by the NSW State Government that requires employers to allow employees to work from home “where it is reasonably practicable to do so”, will be repealed.
This means employers are no longer obliged to allow employees to work from home. However, businesses will have to implement a number of COVID-safe measures to ensure the safety of all those returning to work.
Businesses must have a COVID-safe plan in place for their work environment.
Public transport in metropolitan areas remains a major concern. Employers are encourage to stagger staff start-and-finish times to reduce the pressure on transport.
If you are unsure about how this repeal affects you and your workplace, please give us a call to discuss the resources available to set you up for success: 02 4320 0500.