Christmas Charity Appeal Posted on December 18, 2019

We’d like to
acknowledge the tough environmental conditions of recent months.
Catastrophic bush-fires and prolonged drought have placed members of
our community under immense pressure.
It’s at times like these we need to
support each other and we’d like to make a positive contribution.
We are raising funds for the worthy charities: Rural Aid, and the Rural Fire Service Association.
If you would like to do the same, we invite you to make be part of our efforts by making a donation by Monday 6 January 2020.
Rather than collect money from you, we would like to put you in direct contact with the charities so you can receive the tax-deductible receipt.
Please transfer to them directly by using the below bank details and use the reference ADVICECO. This will help us to track your donation and apply for a dollar match from the Count Charitable Foundation to make an even more meaningful donation.
We will let you know the extent of our contribution in January.
Rural Aid
Account Name: Rural Aid Ltd
St George BSB: 114 879
Acct No: 439 938 530
Rural Fire Service Association
Account Name: RFSA Welfare Fund
BSB: 062 624
Acct No: 1108 1175