Our regular commitment to bringing you news across the areas of tax, accounting and wealth.
New ransomware outbreak – Be alert!
Here we go again. A new ransomware attack by the name of Petya, took the world by storm towards the...
Deceased estates: A brief guide to tying up the loose ends
One of the necessary steps in the process, and generally the first action to take, is to obtain probate. Basically,...
Small business tax debts to be revealed to credit agencies
The tax man will now disclose small business tax debt information to credit reporting agencies under a new measure announced...
10 tips for rental property owners to avoid common tax mistakes
Claiming the right portion of expenses The ATO is adamant that you can't claim deductions for rental property expenses when...
Active vs passive assets and the small business CGT concession
But to access the CGT concessions some conditions must first be satisfied, such as having an aggregated annual turnover of...