Our regular commitment to bringing you news across the areas of tax, accounting and wealth.
Avoid being a sitting duck to email threats and phishing campaigns
Phishing Campaigns Email continues to be the primary communication channel for businesses so it is not surprising that the most...
Selling up your business? Don’t forget the “going concern” GST exemption
The sale of a business may be GST exempt if the enterprise is deemed to be a "going concern" -...
Land Tax: State-by-State
Each State has a different land threshold value before tax is payable. Each State also has different rules regarding the...
SMSF real-time reporting slated for FY2018-19
The ATO flagged late last year that it was eyeing real-time reporting for SMSFs, as a way to ensure compliance...
End-of-year tax planning tips for business
Pay tomorrow's expense today If your business has taken out a loan, any interest accrued but not physically paid by...