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Can employers mandate vaccination? Posted on September 10, 2021


Many employers are requiring that staff be vaccinated in anticipation of easing restrictions. So, can it be mandated?

Industries such as healthcare, aged-care, construction, education, early education/care and disability support services, as well as certain LGA’s of concern, are required by public health order to be vaccinated by certain dates. In this case, the vaccination is legally mandatory. What happens to those who can’t or won’t is still unclear.

If you are in a situation where an employee may be in a position to acquire COVID-19, i.e where they are in contact with others, then it is reasonable to direct your staff to vaccinate. If an employee is unable or unwilling, you may request a certified medical contraindication (an exemption because the vaccine may be harmful to the person) or you may assign alternative duties so that they can remain in isolation. Your options beyond that are unknown, and you should await the legislation changes that are underway.

You can act now by defining your business and staff vaccination policy and communicating it to your team. Allow for a consultation period where staff may ask questions and raise concerns, then when you know the position of your staff, it is wise to seek the support of your business advisor.

Whatever your view, further freedoms are dependent on higher vaccination rates. If you would like to talk to our business advisors on this issue, please contact us on

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