Mobilegeddon – Is your website ready? Posted on October 9, 2018
Essentially Google has decided that it wants to please the overwhelming number of mobile internet surfers out there and so is introducing a change to the way it ranks all websites as from April 21st 2015!
It will now look more favourably on websites which are mobile ready. That term ‘mobile ready’ simply means those websites which have been coded to take mobile usage into consideration. This could mean either a ‘mobile specific’ website or an updated ‘responsive website’ – either will do the trick.
So… what’s the difference between a mobile specific website and a responsive website?
A mobile specific website is where your website will look completely different on a mobile device to that of a computer. A responsive website is when the website construction is designed to take into account the devices which it is viewed on but will essentially use the same ‘look and feel’ as the computer version.
You can check how your website stacks up using Google’s inspection tool here:
Alternatively, if your website is not optimised for mobile use, speak to Jeff Hall – The Website Guy, who can help get you on your way to getting in the top ranks in Google! Click here to visit his website.