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Client in Focus – Alison Williams, McGrath Estate Agents Posted on October 9, 2018


Alison started in the Real Estate industry 24 years ago in Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, starting her own company with 3 offices in the area. 10 years later, Alison moved to the Central Coast and commenced with McGrath Estate Agents. Whilst she does not own the McGrath franchise, Alison runs her own company under the McGrath banner, consisting of 2 staff – Mitch who is the buyers’ agent, and Angelina who is Alison’s administrative assistant.

The main focus of Alison’s business is to provide a fully rounded service to anyone who has any real estate needs or questions – “It’s not just about listing and selling houses. While that is the main part of the business, for me, it’s about being able to provide effective advice to anyone who is transacting in real estate in any way.”

Alison says, “As far as wins for the business – we have had 3 record breaking months in a row; the structure that we have been able to create in my team is working really well, and I am looking at putting on another person on a 2-day a week basis, to assist with the continued growth of my company.” With this in mind, her goal is to have 10 sales per month, consistently over a 12 month period.

Over the last few years, Alison has been building the company to a sustainable level, however her focus was on the ‘doing’, the listing and selling. She says, “The other critical part to ensure longevity are the numbers, which I confess that I am not good at. Since I have employed the services of Robson Partners, they have taken over this side of the business and I feel a massive weight has been lifted from my shoulders. They have re-assessed my past 2 years’ returns, which were done through a different firm and, as a result, received a return of over $6,000 which I had no idea I could be entitled to.”

Alison adds, “Having the confidence knowing that the numbers side of the business is in good hands, frees me up to really focus on the key elements of real estate!”

Since employing her administrative assistant, Alison was able to cross a lot of goals off her list – some of which included travel and financial goals. 

A large part of Alison’s life is giving back to the community, she has worked consistently with a number of charities. Last year, Alison shaved her head to support the Leukemia Foundation, raising in excess of $15,000. 

“My son and I have just returned from a trip to Swaziland in South Africa, where we visited the sponsor child that we have sponsored for the past 10 years, which was a life changing experience for us all! We are about to participate in the Red Shield Appeal with the Salvation Army, and will be holding the World’s Biggest Morning Tea for the Cancer Council. We also donate blood on a fortnightly basis through the Red Cross, so as you may get an idea, this is a very big part of our world!”

Alison is in the process of establishing a business group on the Central Coast – ‘Humanise’ – which is expected to kick-start at the end of May. It will integrate business people with schools and school children, to give them a setup up and support in entering the work-force. 

“I met David a little over 2 years ago through a business networking group and I have referred a number of clients to him, and he has referred clients who are looking at buying or selling in their portfolio to me. In dealing with his clients, they have all given raving reviews on the service that he provides. I was with another accountant for a few years and was hesitant to change, based on the work that it can take to do the initial change over. At the end of last year, I decided to change, as I didn’t feel I had been given effective advice. I feel confident that they have a thorough knowledge of my business and are active with giving advice. I also feel that I don’t have to worry about the accounting side of the business at all!”

If you would like to learn more about Alison’s success, or if you are seeking some advice in relation to real estate, click here to contact Alison.

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