Client in Focus – Suresearch Australia Posted on October 9, 2018

Suresearch Australia is a family owned and operated business specialising in the location of underground services and concealed leaks. Suresearch was established back in June 1987 and was one of the first independent pipe, cable and leak location companies in Sydney.
Glen, originally a plumber by trade, took over the company from his father in 2006, with the intention to turn a non profitable business into a profitable business. Glen was successful in this goal, as over the last 12 months Suresearch has become a well branded name within the industry, recently winning the M2 project for one of Australia’s leading Contracting Companies, Leighton’s.
Glen has made many improvements utilising the most technically advanced equipment available such as ground penetrating radar, vacuum excavation and the latest pipe, cable and leak location equipment.
Suresearch is a rapidly growing company with plans to move the business interstate over the next 12 months. Internal system changes is making the business more productive and has seen the company grow from three non-destructive trucks to five, within a short timeframe.
Like all business owners, some of the challenges Glen is facing right now include finding more experienced staff within the industry and time for working on the business, not in the business.
Glen says “We have a great hardworking team behind us that responded well to the growth challenges the company is facing.”
Suresearch joined Robson Partners in September 2011 and over the past six months have benefited from the support we have offered.
“Robson Partners have offered ongoing support with a positive attitude at all times. They have protected us personally, where in the past we have protected the business”.
Going forward Suresearch is focusing on growing the business and providing better technology to separate them from their competitor’s. With an opportunity to go interstate and win larger contracts, Suresearch is heading in the right direction.
If you would to learn more about Suresearch and how they have grown the business or need their specialist services, click here to contact Glen.