Take the Business 2 Business passion test – find out if you pass or fail and if it is costing you customers Posted on October 9, 2018
Good business owners would say that they invest a lot of time and money on professional education each year to provide the best product and service. But could they articulate the biggest challenges coming in the next five years for their top five clients/customers? It’s not enough anymore to be just good at traditional business services. Not because the services have changed much, but the expectations from client/customers have.
It’s a sign of the times. We are a society that wants instant access to the help we need, and we are willing to pay others to cut short our learning curve. Think about it. When kids are struggling in school, they get a tutor. When they struggle in a particular sport, they get private coaching. When your child is sick in the middle of the night you can call the medical hotline to get answers.
People expect a certain type of experience when they do business with a company. When you go above and beyond their expectations THAT’S when you create delight.
And when you create delight for your client/ customers, you create a positive buzz which increases your referrals and your sales.
To do this you need to have really walked in their shoes, see the business from their perspective and demonstrated to them your commitment to their overall business goals to qualify as truly passionate about them. Do anything less than that and you might be accused of faking it.
Give yourself 10 points for each of the questions to which you answer yes, add up your score and click the relevant link at the end of the quiz and I will tell you what it all means!
Passionate business owner quiz:
1. Can you name your client/customers biggest competitors and their competitive edge?
2. Can you explain the challenges of your top 10 client/customers?
3. Have you ever sent them a business referral, maybe an anniversary card of the day they became a client/ customer?
4. Have you ever come across an article/ resource that you think your client/ customer would benefit from and sent it to them with a personal note?
5. Do you have a copy of your client’s/ customers strategic plan?
6. Do you know what path your clients/customers want to follow?
7. Do you understand and monitor the activities of your client/customers and their industry?
8. Do you regularly contact you client/customers to just ask them “how everything is going?” To offer assistance and support if needed.
9. Do you routinely read business publications, such as Business Review Weekly?
10. Have you ever accompanied your clients to one of their industry conferences?
Click here if you scored 80-100.
Click here if you scored 50-80.
Click here if you scored 50 or below.