The financial sustainability of Not-for-Profit organisations is what many vulnerable and disadvantaged members of our community depend on to survive and thrive.
It is therefore one of our passions to return the favour. Improving your financial management, reporting and strategies will unlock your financial freedom so that you can confidently do what you do well into the future.
Three simple steps will help you to tackle improvement areas that matter most to you...
As an Authorised Representative of Count Financial Limited, and a Professional Partner of the Financial Planning Association of Australia, AdviceCo. provides financial planning services you can trust.
Interested to attend the webinar?
Troy Marchant
Gerard Andrews
AdviceCo. is an Authorised Representative of Count. ‘Count’ and Count Wealth Accountants® are trading names of Count Financial Limited, ABN 19 001 974 625 Australian Financial Services Licence Holder Number 227232 (“Count”). Count is 85% owned by CountPlus Limited ABN 111 26 990 832 (CountPlus) of Level 8, 1 Chifley Square, Sydney 2000 NSW and15% owned by Count Member Firm Pty Ltd ACN 633 983 490 of Level 8, 1 Chifley Square,Sydney 2000 NSW. CountPlus is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. Count Member Firm Pty Ltd is owned by Count Member Firm DT Pty Ltd ACN 633 956 073 which holds the assets under a discretionary trust for certain beneficiaries including potentially some corporate authorised representatives of Count Financial Ltd.
What other people have said about the program
"Very informative"
"Clearly delivered"
"Easy to understand"
"Relevant, current and engaging"
"It will definitely benefit my family, my work and my future"