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Personal Financial Fitness Coaching

Valuable budgeting advice and money-saving tips

Join us for a free webinar

Wednesday, 26 August @ 5:30pm

Professional support is often the difference between failure and success.

If you want to lose weight, a personal trainer will get you on your way; if you want to sell your house, an agent will guide you through; and if you want a traffic-stopping hair cut, it pays to be in the hands of a stylist.

The same goes for financial fitness and wellbeing. A professional, qualified and trusted financial coach will bring next-level financial control and confidence.

In the current financial environment, that is a welcome thing.

Join our complimentary webinar to explore the options to reduce financial waste, cut unnecessary tax, build healthy habits and save time and money.

Contrary to popular belief, financial health is not 100% dependent on a high salary, and with the right attitude, goals, habits, structures, and guidance, it is absolutely possible to build and protect the life you love.

Getting started on a financial fitness regime can be overwhelming, but you needn't spend a fortune on a plan at the outset. Warren Buffet once very wisely said: "The more you learn, the more you earn." Learning is the very best first step, and it doesn't cost a thing.


Join leading Financial Advisor and superannuation expert, David Evers at a   
free webinar
to uncover the mindset mandatories, financial templates and smart money strategies that will build healthy and reliable financial habits, increase the control you have of your finances, and grow your value so you can afford to reach your goals.

This session is best suited for people building up their careers, families and assets.

Information provided during the webinar is purely factual in nature and does not take account your personal objectives, situations or needs. The information is objectively ascertainable and, therefore, does not constitute financial product advice. If you require financial product advice you should consult our Financial Advisors directly.


Attend a complimentary one-to-one Financial Discovery for a one-hour tailored session to talk about your goals and your current situation, and to receive meaningful advice, a few money tips and to discuss the various pathways available to you.


If everything is feeling right at this point, you will have an opportunity to partner with an experienced Financial Coach to build out a step-by-step and scalable plan that meets your specific needs and arms you with the skills and tools to succeed on your own.

As an Authorised Representative of Count Financial Limited, and a Professional Partner of the Financial Planning Association of Australia, AdviceCo. provides financial planning services you can trust. Authorised Representative of Count Financial AFSL 227232

As an Authorised Representative of Count Financial Limited, and a Professional Partner of the Financial Planning Association of Australia, AdviceCo. provides financial planning services you can trust.

Interested to attend the webinar?


David Evers_BW

David Evers

Financial Advisor
David has more than 30 years of professional experience in accounting and financial planning. He founded the Financial Services department of the AdviceCo. business in 2002, and supports many individuals and families with their wealth creation and financial planning of investment portfiolios, retirement plans, self-managed superannuation funds, wealth protections and insurance, and geared loan investments. David is passionate about helping people to afford the life they want to live.
Ed Lok

Edmond Lok

Ed has specialiSed in Financial Services for eight years and is the trusted source on budget management, investment, superannuation and wealth protection. Ed has a great appreciation for the foresight of individuals to seek financial coaching. He calls these people 'accumulators' - people who have their eye on the future and are keen to take the steps now to be better off. The process of advice is different every time, because no one individual is in the same position as the next. Ed endeavors to understand the 360 context and, importantly, the end-goal, then sets about careful collation and presentation of information and advice to help get them there. While the process is different, there is one consistent rule to Ed's work - and that is transparency of information. He takes his role as advisor very seriously and aims to empower his clients through knowledge.

AdviceCo. is an Authorised Representative of Count. ‘Count’ and Count Wealth Accountants® are trading names of Count Financial Limited, ABN 19 001 974 625 Australian Financial Services Licence Holder Number 227232 (“Count”). Count is 85% owned by CountPlus Limited ABN 111 26 990 832 (CountPlus) of Level 8, 1 Chifley Square, Sydney 2000 NSW and15% owned by Count Member Firm Pty Ltd ACN 633 983 490 of Level 8, 1 Chifley Square,Sydney 2000 NSW. CountPlus is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. Count Member Firm Pty Ltd is owned by Count Member Firm DT Pty Ltd ACN 633 956 073 which holds the assets under a discretionary trust for certain beneficiaries including potentially some corporate authorised representatives of Count Financial Ltd.

What other people have said about the program

"Very informative"

"Clearly delivered"

"Easy to understand"

"Relevant, current and engaging"

"It will definitely benefit my family, my work and my future"

So are you ready to take control of your money?

It's time to learn, plan and act. Attend our webinar to find out more!

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